viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010

Eterna Inocencia - 1999 - Recycle

que gran disco,para mi uno de los mejores de la banda.
las letras son alucinantes, cada una es una historia por si sola y emociona sin lugar a dudas.
la que mas me gusta es el penultimo tema

Unknoun Soul

Now I got in my hands
the last letter you have wrote to me
A long time passed
since I haven´t heard from you again
(But I remember what you said)
You said "There´s no time"
and I didn't realize of it!
You said "There´s no time"

Under the same old sun
crying for your lost life
Now I know I won´t see you again
Your mother prays
I just only stay
between the dark walls of hate
(I didn´t want to miss your soul...)

Trying not to fall down
(trying not to cy)
Wanna hear you one more time!
This dark place
won´t be the same as yesterday
You are no longer with us
Your letters are your legacy:
"Please go on fighting, it´s the end but I'll be there...".

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